

预备学校将为不同年龄和兴趣的学生提供夏季课程和夏令营! 点击下面的信息开始了解更多.


成功完成后, 在预科学校参加的夏季强化课程满足毕业要求, 出现在学生的最终成绩单上, 并计入累积绩点.

  • 半学分的课程每门花费900美元.  每门课程的上课日期如下.
  • 全学分课程从6月17日到7月26日,费用为1800美元.
  • No classes will be held on 6/19, 7/4, or 7/5 in observance of Juneteenth and Independence Day.
  • 所有课程早上9点准时开始,下午2点结束. 每天有一次午餐休息和一到两次较短的伸展休息.
  • 在夏天, 学生可以修一门半学分的课程, 两门半学分课程, 或者一门全学分课程. 学生在夏季不得修超过一个学分.
  • Students who must remediate a failed course from the 2023-24 school year are not eligible to take a summer enrichment course.
所有的课程都是在预科学校的校园里亲自授课. 远程选项不可用.

每门暑期课程的开设都视报名情况而定.  因报名人数不足而取消之课程, 注册学生将在五月的第二周收到通知, 这笔款项将计入正常学费.

报名人数不足的课程将被取消.  在此日期之后,如果有空位,可以允许延迟注册. 6月12日(星期三)之后,任何学生不得注册.

如果学生在5月10日至6月14日期间选择退出暑期课程, 预科学校将退还一半的学费(通过将其应用于未来的学费支付). 自6月15日起,退课或退学将不予退款.

注册一门课程并不能保证获得学分. 才能获得相应的学分, 学生必须成功完成所有作业和评估. 学术欺骗, 纪律问题, 未能完成作业, 学习成绩差, 过度的缺席, 迟到, or early departure could result in a student’s removal from the course without the awarding of credit or reimbursement of tuition. 如果一个学生在暑期充实课上不及格, 他必须在下一学年补课. 如果学生不及格,则不予退款.


  • 生物学

    生物学- SCI201          
    这门课程是生命科学的入门课程.  Its major objective is to give the student an appreciation and understanding of life processes. The introductory course focuses on several themes in the life sciences: diversity and the unity of life, 生物的相互依存, 进化和科学是一个过程. 主题包括分子生物学, 分子遗传学, 细胞生物学, 新陈代谢, 经典遗传学, 微生物学, 植物学, 动物学和人类生物学.Laboratory work using the scientific method with an emphasis on data analysis is emphasized. 在学习如何写实验报告的过程中,强调了科学的方法.  Laboratory work is an integral part of the course with students developing skills with the microscope, 适当的解剖技术和基于计算机的实验室方案. 
    Prerequisite: Successful completion of Freshman Physics I and approval by Department Chairperson.
  • 化学

    化学- SCI 301
    This course provides the student with a fundamental grasp of chemistry which includes using scientific measurement and lab techniques, 物质分类, 气体的行为, 液体和固体的特性, 原子结构, 周期性, 化学键, 平衡, 酸和碱的理论和反应以及动力学和热化学.  Some of the skills that a student will achieve during the course include problem-solving techniques, 分析思考, expressing ideas with clarity and logic; significant figures/rounding off of calculations, 正确使用研究项目/报告, 以及利用数学关系来预测结果.  Labs are structured to enforce the understanding of the chemical topics taught within the classroom setting.  Students are required to develop and apply the scientific method in producing a lab report based on his experimental results.   实验室既是物理实验,也是基于技术的实验.                          
    Caveat:  Students who have completed Summer 化学 are not eligible to register for AP 化学 or AP 生物学.
  • 美术

    This introductory fine arts course centers on exploring creativity and personal expression. The objective of the course is for the student to discover and develop his unique voice and to learn to communicate it visually. 一级课程向学生介绍艺术思维过程(DICE). 绘图技巧,技术和材料强调. Through studio practices and artistic behaviors the student will build his capacity to find inspiration, develop his ideas and to make meaningful choices to effectively communicate those ideas through various media. Continual reflection will build and strengthen his abilities to understand and articulate his process. This is accomplished through initial explorations and practice of idea generation and development, 媒体和流程, 其次是对主题的个人解读, 最终导致学生主导的工作. Historical and contemporary examples of design will be viewed throughout the semester for inspiration. 通过讨论, 写反思, and critiques students will learn to evaluate and revise their own and others’ work throughout the artistic process.

    这第二级课程的设计是绘画的延续. Students will continue their exploration of a wide range of open-ended themes within the DICE - Artistic Process. They are encouraged to develop their own personal and individualistic approach to image making. Thematic projects promote the student’s active role in all creative decisions from subject matter to medium and scale. 在这门课程中,学生专注于如何颜色, form, design and composition can be used to describe and communicate ideas through visual means. Students will investigate the use of color emotionally and psychologically for practical and poetic ends. 更高水平的细化和工艺将在整个过程中预期.

  • 历史与社会科学

    美国政府与政治- HIS301
    The US Government course is designed to give students a critical perspective on government and politics in the United States.  The course will commence with an examination of the historical foundations that have helped to shape American government.  此外,学生将学习政府如何以及为什么在当今美国社会中发挥作用. 本课程将使用大学水平的教材. Additional readings and documentaries will be scheduled for additional insights into current topics. 暑期阅读计划将于九月初进行评估.  也, students will be expected to complete a research paper designed to examine and explain some aspect of this course. 

  • 数学

    荣誉微积分预科- MAT302                  
    This course is designed for specially qualified students who have demonstrated above-average ability and interest in mathematics and who have a strong desire to study Calculus [particularly AP Calculus] in the following year.  课程内容与MAT301相似,并进行了优化, 参数方程, 极坐标, 圆的二次曲线和方程.  Students are also expected to encounter more challenging exercises and homework assignments.
    Prerequisite:  93 in MAT202 or passing score on placement test offered in the Spring in conjunction with departmental approval.
  • 宗教研究

    This course will provide students with an exploratory survey of Christian theology from its earliest developments as a messianic movement emerging out of Second Temple Judaism to its continued trajectory within an increasingly interconnected postmodern reality. 本课程将帮助学生围绕基本信仰进行建设性的对话, 传统, 以及在全球基督教社区的实践, with a particular concentration on key figures within the tradition and their contributions. 课程的组织是专题/主题,尽管在每个主题内, 讲师将提供必要的历史背景来帮助构建对话, while simultaneously assisting the students in their personal navigation/investigation of the following: ecclesiology, 普世对话/比较神学, 虔诚的崇拜实践/, 神学人类学.  
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